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Dreamcatcher – Review

Director Kim Longinotto’s cinema vérité offers a raw insight mediated only by the occasional subtitle. In letting her subjects speak for themselves, Longinotto avoids impressing an interpretative filter...
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Paper Towns – Review

Charming and warm, Paper Towns offers a teen flick with a bit of depth. Wolff adds another solid performance to his growing filmography, and the perfectly cast Delevingne is everything she should be. Abrams...
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The Lobster – Review

The Lobster delicately balances humour and brutality to tell a brilliantly absurd, yet altogether touching story. The largely matter-of-fact cinematography is beautifully offset by scenes in dramatic slow...
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Spy – Review

Despite overusing genre tropes, Spy is an enjoyable romp for those that are after a good bit of stupidity and solid laughs. Melissa McCarthy’s characterisation is concise and well-executed, and she is...