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The Boys in the Band – Review

It's been 50 years since the first stage-to-film adaptation of The Boys in the Band, and the world's a different place—or so you'd hope. Netflix's adaptation of Mart Crowley's groundbreaking work is less...
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Hotel Artemis – Review

Hotel Artemis is set during one chaotic night in the eponymous hotel, run by The Nurse (an incredible Jodie Foster) as an emergency hospital for criminals, and is apparently somehow not a John...
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Tallulah – Sundance London Review

It should come as no surprise that Orange is the New Black alum Heder can take an improbable premise and spin it into a genre-defying tale. Thriller elements including a tense final act and overly bombastic...
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Hitman: Agent 47 – Review

This latest effort to adapt the hit video game franchise for the big screen bears more than a passing resemblance, bizarrely, to Mad Max: Fury Road; in that they're both about men of few words who assist a...