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Jojo Rabbit – LFF 2019 Review

Thank the cinematic gods a studio gave Taika Waititi the money to make what is – on paper – a disaster waiting to happen. Yet in his hands, a comedy about a Hitler Youth misfit and his imaginary friend...
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Vice – Review

Art is as much about what you don’t paint as it is about what you do. The negative space, the pregnant pause, silence between the beats – there’s power in the gaps. Vice works best when it explores the...
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Poltergeist – Review

From the beginning, Poltergeist 2.0 has potential. Its premise was always a winner, and there's a strong core cast working to draw us in. Kenan creates a compelling and unique connection with his film and...
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Say When – Review

Kitschy and tediously drawn-out home video credits give way to a humorous portrait of arrested development in the vein of Frances Ha and Drifters. While stylistically closer to the latter, Say When’s...