Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is an old song being covered by a new band. Spies, baddies, countries at stake. There is even a rivalry between America and Russia. Fancy that!

Chris Pine is a likeable lead, but most of what surrounds him is either clumsy or superfluous. Points go to Keira Knightley’s off-the-peg distressed damsel and the movie’s F-bomb for being both.

Espionage films have come too far for Branagh to deliver something this mediocre. Shadow Recruit skates across the ice. It should be hollering it out with a sledgehammer, ready to plunge into far murkier depths.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit isn’t awful, but it doesn’t possess the depth nor the thrills to join the ranks of Bond, Bourne, or even TV’s Bauer. 



CAST: Chris Pine, Kenneth Branagh, Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner

DIRECTOR: Kenneth Branagh

WRITERS: Adam Cozad, David Koepp

SYNOPSIS: Jack Ryan, an undercover CIA operative, uncovers a plot that involves Russia destroying the USA’s economy with a terrorist attack. Only he can save the day.