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Here Before – Review

Grief, an emotion that can grip the human psyche tight within its grasp, is the vehicle for Here Before. It blurs the lines between reality and memory, merging the two and haunting the long-afflicted Laura...
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Wildfire – Review

This film was previously reviewed in October 2020 as part of our London Film Festival coverage. Wildfire bursts onto the screen with Kelly (the late Nika McGuigan) returning home a year after being reported...
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My Name is Emily – EIFF 2016 Review

With its repetitive visuals of water and insistent voiceover, My Name is Emily at first threatens to be claustrophobic and indulgently contemplative. Yet it develops into a well-constructed road movie, and,...
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The Survivalist – Review

The Survivalist’s plot of a man living in a dangerous, post-apocalyptic world after its oil runs out feels deceptively new, but it ends up treading the same ground as countless other films, books and TV...