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Only the Brave – Review

Based on the title of this biographic weepie alone, you can probably guess what you’re letting yourself in for when you settle in for Only the Brave’s 134-minute run time. That’s right, you can fully...
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The Little Prince – Review

The problems of adapting The Little Prince for the screen are twofold. Not only is it one of the most beloved stories in all of literature, it’s not even really a story - it’s more a series of vignettes...
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Seventh Son – Review

Pop quiz, hotshot! What comes after “You chose this life”? A - “It chose me.” B - “Don’t talk to me about life.” C - “You can't hide from destiny.” Chose A? Congratulations!* Here’s $95...
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The Giver – Review

Based on Lois Lowry’s 1993 novel, The Giver begins promisingly before sinking into the depths of mediocrity. The film is further spoiled by bad timing as it awkwardly follows the recent raft of newer teen...
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Top 10 Movie Flops of 2013

Thanks to the wonderful people at Forbes (via BoxOfficeMojo), the biggest flops - financially speaking - have been revealed for 2013. Even with very little movie knowledge, the candidates are pretty obvious to...