Widows’ Best Shot and How it Takes Over the Film Calum Baker November 11, 2018 Analysis, Close-Up, Features, One Off Any conversation about the director Steve McQueen will involve his long shots. It’s impossible to think of Hunger without remembering Michael Fassbender and Liam Cunningham just chatting for 17 minutes, in...
Steve McQueen’s Desperate Men: Masculinity Under Pressure Rhys Handley November 6, 2018 Analysis, Features, Spotlight In Widows, director Steve McQueen is mining relatively fresh territory for himself in the film's female-rooted narrative. Though he has never disregarded women’s experiences in his work, they have not –...
Spotlight: Michael Fassbender Tori Brazier October 1, 2015 Analysis, Features, Spotlight Michael Fassbender – we’ve seen a lot of him (in more ways than one) in what seems like a few short years, but this actor has been working hard as a professional for more than two decades now. He is...