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The Congress – Review

The Congress looks at the state of modern Hollywood - actresses battling ageism, the cannibalising presence of CGI and mo-cap – and reflects back a metafictional gem. Folman’s adapted script is cynical...
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Joe – Review

Adapted from the late Larry Brown’s novel of the same name, Joe commands exceedingly tight performances within a morally bereft universe. All aspects point to open-ended nihilism, as Joe’s modern wasteland...
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The Purge Anarchy – Review

Sequels usually have to tick three boxes: darker, grittier and bigger, and The Purge Anarchy excels on all these fronts. The lean, mean flick adds further credence to this low-budget, high-return...
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The House of Magic (3D) – Review

Featuring near every children's tale trope, The House of Magic possesses little imagination beyond a slight fusion of Toy Story and Over the Hedge. Sassy chihuahuas emit crude one-liners, fat people fall...
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Boyhood – Review

Richard Linklater’s expertise - or at least his largest triumphs - has been in the capturing of rapidly burning candles. By comparison, Boyhood (a project filmed over twelve years) is a great fire; burning...