This painfully intimate family drama depicts the intense bond between sisters with uncanny power. Together Josephson and Deasismont embody both the joy and rivalry of siblinghood so recognisably that it’s surprising to learn they aren’t really sisters.

An unwavering commitment to Stella’s perspective allows Lenken to address the infectious nature of negative body image, but My Skinny Sister is much more than a one-issue story.

The parents’ naivety is chilling in its plausibility, though Lenken never debases the narrative by pointing fingers. The final act is as gripping as any thriller; replicating Stella’s pressure-cooker experience for the audience.

Exponentially growing tension makes My Skinny Sister increasingly distressing to watch, yet looking away is never an option. This wrenching experience is sure to haunt long after the final frame.



CAST: Rebecka Josephson, Amy Deasismont, Annika Hallin, Henrik Norlén

DIRECTOR: Sanna Lenken            

WRITER: Sanna Lenken

SYNOPSIS: Stella adores her beautiful sister Katja. When Stella realises that Katja is hiding a terrible eating disorder she is dragged into a vicious circle of secrets and manipulation.