Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Email Now this is an impressive student debut. Created by a crack team of brilliant animators and storytellers, Tombes & Manèges is a likeable short. Going on the charm offensive from the off, this story is heading for your heartstrings. Endearing, distinct and dark, there’s much to savour within this Parisian film. Although splendid to watch, there’s a fear that the aesthetic holds the short’s only ace card. Yet upon the final act’s emotional “reveal”, the filmmakers ensure the story’s dots connect. This elevates the whole piece from a visual treat into a genuinely touching and fantastic film. Do you have a short film you’d like to be considered for our Short of the Week feature? Get in touch with us at [email protected] INFORMATION DIRECTORS: Nicolas Albrecht, Jérémie Auray, Alexandre Garnier, Antoine Guiliani, Sandrine Normand, Ambre Pochet and Marc Visintin SYNOPSIS: In his isolated cemetery, a lumbering gravedigger tries to amuse his son in this stylish animated short with an emotional kicker. Short of the Week – Tombes & Manèges was last modified: February 9th, 2016 by David Brake Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Email