Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email WhatsAppDoc/Fest was made for films like Orion: The Man who would be King – stories so ridiculous and unbelievable that they must be true. The archival footage of singer and Elvis sound-alike Jimmy Ellis gyrating on stage wearing an opera mask is hilarious and surreal all on its own, and the anecdotes from Orion’s groupies and bandmates are the icing on the cake. Yet there’s a darker side to the tale lurking just behind the mask. Ellis’ story has its fair share of bleak moments; tragic reminders of just how much one can lose in the search for fame. Like Searching for Sugar Man before it, Orion is a tall tale with a wonderfully enigmatic figure at its centre. Here’s hoping that many (re)discover his music after watching it. RATING: 5/5 INFORMATION DIRECTOR: Jeanie Finlay SYNOPSIS: The story of Jimmy Ellis – an unknown singer plucked from obscurity and thrust into the spotlight as part of a crazy scheme that had him masquerade as Elvis back from the grave. Sheffield Doc/Fest 2015 runs from June 5th-10th. Tickets are still available, and One Room With A View’s coverage will continue throughout the festival. Orion: The Man Who Would Be King – Doc/Fest 2015 Review was last modified: June 13th, 2015 by Phil W. Bayles Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email WhatsApp