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Spaceship Earth – Review

In 1991, eight intrepid volunteers ventured into the infamous "Biosphere 2". Spaceship Earth opens with footage from this moment: a cacophony of noise, cheers and waves are freely exchanged. These people are...
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The Garden Left Behind – Review

The issues that The Garden Left Behind explores are pertinent and vital. We cannot achieve a moral or a just society without addressing them. That they are explored so heavy-handedly and with such a cruel...
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The Booksellers – Review

Jeff Bezos’ sinister, late-capitalist empire has long cast a shadow over the book industry, yet in a year when independent bookshops and trade fairs have been forced to shut, its shadow looms larger than...
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The Dead and the Others – Review

This film was previously reviewed in May 2018 as part of our Cannes Film Festival coverage. The Dead and the Others is a complex creation from directors Joao Salaviza and Renee Nader Messora, which can’t...