Stories from the Set: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Tori Brazier March 12, 2014 Behind The Curtain, Features, Stories from the Set 1 Comment Walt Disney Animation Studios, still flying high with 2013’s colossal success Frozen, has long been considered the premier studio for animated projects – since, in fact, its time as Disney Brothers Cartoon...
Stories from the Set: Cleopatra Tori Brazier March 6, 2014 Behind The Curtain, Features, Stories from the Set 1 Comment Cleopatra, 20th Century Fox’s lavish, budget-busting, ancient-historical-romantic epic, is widely considered to be one of the most notorious box-office flops in cinema history. Years, rather than months, in...
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory: The Most Interesting Movie Ever Made? David Brake February 24, 2014 Behind The Curtain, Features, Stories from the Set Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is one of the most celebrated children's films of all time. Infectious songs, eccentricities beyond compare and a surprising darkness that lingers in the mind, Willy...
Stories from the Set: The Exorcist Patrick Taylor February 6, 2014 Behind The Curtain, Features, Stories from the Set Since the inception of cinema, there have been precious few films which have achieved the level of notoriety enjoyed by The Exorcist. Based on a novel by William Blatty and widely regarded as one of the most...
Stories from the Set: Gone with the Wind Tori Brazier January 25, 2014 Behind The Curtain, Features, Stories from the Set 1939 was the biggest year for quality movie-making that Hollywood had ever seen, with classics such as Stagecoach, The Wizard of Oz, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and Ninotchka all nominees for the Best Picture...
Stories from the Set: Singin’ in the Rain David Brake January 18, 2014 Behind The Curtain, Features, Stories from the Set Singin' In The Rain is rightly regarded as the greatest Hollywood musical of all time, and stories of its production have melted into movie legend, from Debbie Reynolds' remark that "Singin' in the Rain and...