Which Jungle Book Song Are You? Tom Bond March 7, 2017 0% Which is your favorite Disney song? I Wanna Be Like You Let It Go Who would you want to be in the jungle book? Bagheera Sher kahn Raksha Mowgli On a scale 1-5 how much do you like "The bare necessities"? 3-4 1-2 5!!! Would you watch the jungle book every day? Maybe every week or month Never! Yes! Do you have all the songs memorized? Just a couple :D YES! I'M OBSESSED No there's no need Which Jungle Book Song Are You? Bare Necessities That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song) Stressed Out by: 21 Pilots Share your Results: Facebook Twitter Google+ VK Powered by WP Quiz Which Jungle Book Song Are You? was last modified: March 7th, 2017 by Tom Bond