How Impossible Are The Mission: Impossible Films? Bertie Archer July 30, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Ethan Hunt: super-spy, quasi-leader of top-secret government agency, and foundation of $2 billion film franchise. The humble 1960s American television show on which the series is based has been left far...
A Beginner’s Guide To… Pixar Eddie Falvey July 24, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Pixar’s return with this summer’s critical darling Inside Out marks the end of a hiatus of sorts for the studio. It has been two years since Pixar released Monsters University, the moderately well-received...
A Beginner’s Guide To… Westerns Eddie Falvey June 24, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features The Western genre is sumptuously classical, historically entwined with cinema since its birth - and yet it is also helplessly turbulent, subject to postcolonial criticism for the histories it depicts in its...
A Beginner’s Guide to… Post-Colonial Cinema Ellena Zellhuber-McMillan May 27, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Post-colonial theory sounds like something best left in a textbook, but in the context of a film industry that still limits characters of colour to sidekicks and stereotypes, it is worthy of broader...
A Beginner’s Guide to… The Cannes Film Festival Calum Baker May 13, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features It seems somewhat condescending to you, the reader, to begin this article with something as basic as "What IS the Cannes Film Festival?" - yet this isn't an entirely stupid question. The Festival means...
A Beginner’s Guide to… The Marvel Cinematic Universe Madeline Joint April 22, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Simply, if you haven’t heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (which you totally have if you’ve been anywhere near a cinema, TV, billboard, another person or a Burger King since 2008): they are a series of...
A Beginner’s Guide to… Rock Docs Conor Morgan April 12, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features It seems that, nowadays, pretty much any band or artist you care to name from any genre of music has a documentary about them - which understandably makes it difficult to know where to begin. Never fear, ORWAV...
A Beginner’s Guide To Keanu Reeves Eddie Falvey April 10, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Where does one begin with Keanu Reeves? Recently endowed with an (un)healthy dose of the Nic Cage effect – that is, being caught on the slippery slope of diminishing returns – Keanu is now one of the most...
A Beginner’s Guide to Robert Altman Eddie Falvey April 1, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features 1 Comment Robert Altman’s name may well be familiar to many and yet he often remains something of a cipher to all but the most ardent film fans. Subversive, difficult, independent, prolific, genius; these are just a...
A Beginner’s Guide to… Alternative Cuts Eddie Falvey January 26, 2015 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features 1 Comment You might forgive a general consensus that more is better in relation to a film’s running time; with avid fans fawning over myths of extra footage, deleted scenes, and unseen cuts, it is not hard to imagine...
A Beginner’s Guide To… Christmas Eddie Falvey December 13, 2014 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Christmas is without doubt a charming time of year, but it is fair to say, certainly in the Western world, that it has grown into a somewhat superficial one also, and the festive season usually brings out the...
A Beginner’s Guide to Film Sound Eddie Falvey November 7, 2014 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Today it’s almost impossible to conceive that in the mid to late 1920s the notion of putting sound to film was received with repudiation, reluctance, and even hostility, even in the immediate aftermath of...
A Beginner’s Guide To New Hollywood Eddie Falvey October 30, 2014 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features 1 Comment New Hollywood isn’t actually that new at all; in fact, the name demarcates a period of intense creativity, crisis, and change that occurred between the late 1960s and the early 1980s within the Hollywood...
A Beginner’s Guide to Silent Cinema Eddie Falvey September 28, 2014 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features Film is now most often perceived as a vehicle for telling stories, but that was not always the case. Despite the fact that key aspects of the narrative film such as scripts, sets, and acting ensembles, had...
A Beginner’s Guide To… Woody Allen Lina Jurdeczka June 7, 2014 A Beginner's Guide To..., Analysis, Features 1 Comment In a career spanning almost 50 years, Woody Allen’s style has become synonymous with and perhaps helped define the cultural stereotype of the self-deprecating, anxious intellectual in New York City. Full of...