Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email WhatsAppThis film was previously reviewed in February 2021 as part of our Sundance Festival coverage. Robin Wright’s directorial debut, Land, takes viewers on the journey of healing. Grief is something so personal that it can alienate the person grieving; this is what happens to Edee (Robin Wright) after tragedy strikes in her life, leading her to retreat into the forest in the Rocky Mountains, leaving her previous life behind. The atmosphere within this film is incredibly immersive, created by the sound design alongside the stunning scenery; you can almost feel the crisp breeze on your face. But the beauty surrounding her does not change the pain she feels inside, represented by the dark cabin she’s escaped to, an excuse to bury deeper into isolation. In this way, Land shines a light on the painful parts of loving people, the aftermath of losing them. It’s ugly and sometimes there’s a need to close out the rest of the world that reminds you of them, which isn’t a logical decision, but one of self-destruction. Such emotions are felt while watching Wright as Edee. Wright delivers a performance that’s so raw, complimented by Bichir’s patience and tenderness. Where Land stumbles, however, is that at times it values the visuals over the actual story. This is a film that relies on dialogue to push it forward, yet there’s not much substance behind the words. The dramatics almost become too excessive, where certain events that occur seem to solely be inserted there in an attempt to amp up the emotional punch at the end. Sometimes all you can do to get by is put the name of someone you love on your wall as a constant reminder to stay alive. A competent debut from Wright, Land is a tale of hope that can be found even amongst the deepest of sorrows, but is sometimes sabotaged by unnecessary melodrama. RATING: 3/5 INFORMATION CAST: Robin Wright, Demián Bichir, Kim Dickens DIRECTOR: Robin Wright WRITERS: Jesse Chatham, Erin Dignam SYNOPSIS: A bereaved woman seeks out a new life off the grid. Land – Review was last modified: June 4th, 2021 by Alysha Prasad Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email WhatsApp