Stories of extraordinary lunar adventures will always be compelling, and as such The Last Man on the Moon could not fail despite being hardly revelatory filmmaking.

This is one man telling his good story, armed with cowboy charm and a wealth of archive footage. Director Mark Craig lets Cernan’s stories pour out with little pomp or force. It’s only when he does attempt anything overt that the flow stutters.

Yet this documentary excels in the exploration of not just the moon, but life on Earth. The underlying humanity evident in the astronauts brings home the true level of their achievement.

You know the history of the Apollo missions, but if a man who’s been on the moon is telling you the story, you listen.



CAST: Eugene Cernan, Alan Bean, Dick Gordon, Jim Lovell

DIRECTOR: Mark Craig

SYNOPSIS: The Last Man of the Moon sees astronaut Eugene Cernan discuss his two missions to the moon, and what he loved and lost in the process.

The Last Man on the Moon is available on iTunes and On Demand from 15 April.

The Last Man on the Moon is available on iTunes and On Demand from 15 April