With a disconnected structure that barely qualifies as coherent narrative, The Measure of a Man is so ‘slice of life’ it could be the exemplary film of that genre.

Incredibly well acted, the subtlety of the actors’ art shines through lingering shots which force audiences to focus on the forgettable minutiae of everyday life.

As a realist piece, the film captures with uncomfortable accuracy the struggles of many families post-economic crisis. The themes of discomfort, hardship, and solidarity weigh heavily at the heart of the film, leaving a hard watch without balance from moments of sweetness and love.

The Measure of a Man is a tough, melancholic watch with little to no payoff. But in that way it effectively communicates how it feels to be the main character.



CAST: Vincent Lindon, Karine de Mirbeck, Matthieu Schaller

DIRECTOR: Stéphane Brizé

WRITER: Stéphane Brizé & Olivier Gorce

SYNOPSIS: After being laid off, Thierry (Lindon) must have his hopes and ideals challenged to support his family.