The Alchemist’s Letter is a beautiful, inventive animation, filled with detail. Ever evolving into new scenes, each adding another layer of artistry, this is the imaginative retelling of a father’s strongest memories.

The complex mechanisms of the alchemist’s machine are as captivating as the emotional letter written from father to son – enchantingly narrated by Hurt and Webb – is powerful.

Aided by an accomplished and evocative score, both serene and dark in equal measure, this dynamic, complete story of a family, with all joy and sorrow condensed into a little over four minutes, is magical – pure gold, in fact.

Do you have a short film you’d like to be considered for our Short of the Week feature? Get in touch with us at [email protected]


DIRECTOR: Carlos Stevens

WRITTEN BY: Carlos Stevens

CAST: John Hurt, Eloise Webb (voices) 

SYNOPSIS: A late alchemist exposes his estranged son to the truth surrounding his tumultuous life and the dark magic used to power a gold making machine.