Writer-director Carol Morley’s psychosexual trance piece, The Falling, maintains high levels of interest throughout, yet ultimately fails to bring about its reasons why.

Though narrative significance is implied throughout, no real or lasting revelation is entirely given to The Falling’s world of outlying differences. This lack of overall purpose in Morley’s projected sentimentalism eventually begins to draw focus away from The Falling’s well constructed ethereal qualities.

In addition, performances tend to lack the subtlety that Morley’s approach perhaps deserves. Though notable charisma is found in relative newcomer Florence Pugh, little is found elsewhere.

Despite a thrilling lead performance from Pugh, The Falling loses out to a somewhat superfluous multitude of small narratives which never quite end up finding their meaning.



CAST: Maisie Williams, Joe Cole, Greta Scacchi

DIRECTOR: Carol Morley

WRITERS: Carol Morley

SYNOPSIS: A group of girls begin fainting at a 1960’s Catholic school following a traumatic incident.