Writer-director Paul Harrill’s feature debut offers higher understanding without the usual cost of condescension. Something, Anything gently indicts blindly-followed sociopolitical (bourgeois) ideals, while simultaneously purging itself of moral and material expectations. Attempting to reach spiritual purity through asceticism, Harrill progressively reinvents his newly vacant protagonist (Ashley Selton) by taking identity and self-awareness as mutually synonymous attributes.

Something, Anything‘s pursuit of personal truth seeks a purpose greater than simple continuity. Be it vocation, religion or family, Harrill shows that there is no pre-ordained passage to self-discovery; life is not an institution.

Peppered with quiet intensity, Something, Anything navigates both social realism and the sublime with deftly mediated restraint. 



CAST: Ashley SheltonBryce JohnsonLinds Edwards

DIRECTOR: Paul Harrill

WRITER: Paul Harrill

SYNOPSIS: After separating from her husband, a woman begins to purge her life of the non-essential in order to better understand what existence has to offer.

WEBSITE: Something, Anything